Yagezie Emezi is the Visual Curator of her own website that has the goal of preserving African culture through photography. She is a blend of many talents and skills. She is a Photographer, Artist and Media Personality.
1. Yagazie is part Nigerian and part Malaysian
But she was born and raised in Aba, Nigeria until she was 16.
2. She always wanted to be an Egyptologist
An Egyptologist is any archaeologist, historian, linguist, or art historian who specializes in Egyptology, the scientific study of Ancient Egypt and its antiquities.
3. But she studied Cultural Anthropology and African Studies
She has always been interested in cultural preservation within African communities.
4. Her hair has been natural all her life
And the secret is shea butter and coconut oil.
5. She is 5 ft 8 inches tall
6. Yagazie became a photographer by accident
“My work as a photographer started with my interest in other photographers’ work. I always saw myself as an admirer, but after years of keeping up with the work of others, I can only assume that something rubbed off on me.”
7. Her favorite things to photograph are faces
Because they tell the best stories.
8. Her best photography project till date was Bialere
A project set out on sourcing young African photographers and giving them a digital platform for their work to be seen.

Omar Victor Diop: Onomollywood

Ifeyinwa Arinze: So Many Women
9. She has not had a 9 – 5 job in, well, forever
But she has had plenty of jobs and she enjoys every bit of it.
10. Her favorite food is Rice and Beans
You can’t take Nigeria out of the girl!
11. And she would absolutely only cook in a spacious, spotless kitchen
As it should be.
12. Her favorite song is ‘Love and Happiness’ by Al Green
“I enjoy getting lost in music when I drive or walk around. My mind is constantly running all over the place and music helps me to focus a bit more.”
13. Her favorite fashion style is: Comfortable
“I dress according to my mood. On certain days you can find me decked out in all black; black sweats, black baggy shirt, black lipstick and perhaps a choker. Other days you could find me prancing around in a sundress with flowers in my hair. Sometimes, I’m just a clash of prints and colors.”
14. And she is terrified of toads and frogs
But who isn’t?
You can find out more about Yagazie and follow her on Instagram, YouTube and on her website.