Is it just us or are the 2023 K-dramas softer than the 2022 ones? These are our favourites so far sha.
23 results for "K-drama"
Use this article as a micro-dictionary when you watch your next K-drama.
Based on the successes of these many Kims, we’re considering changing our name to Kim Zikoko.
Korean parents will bully someone who does better than you in school; Nigerian parents will dash them ₦1k and ask you if they have two heads.
Real K-drama fans know that almost all Korean actors have range, but some just go the extra mile. These ones shock me the most.
What do you need love for tomorrow, when you can rewatch your favourite romantic K-drama scenes and still be happy?
Why does so much happen in a month in K-pop😭 ? Here’s a mini roundup sha.
Would you be patient enough to wait eight years to turn your parents into a K-drama fan, read this for the full gist.
People that do any of the 10 things on this list don’t deserve love. And if you couldn't leave the streets this year, we’re sure you’re one of them.
20 things Nigerians can be grateful for
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