Prospective partner

What are the important questions to ask a girl about their food choices, tastes and habits before a relationship begins?

1. Ask her what kind of swallow do they love: Amala vs Pounded yam and other sorry tales.

Prospective partner

While I personally do not have anything against both swallow meals (in fact I wouldn’t choose one over the other) people are constantly fighting over which is better, even going ahead to make crazy statements like: “amala must be banned”.
Prospective partner

You wouldn’t want to get stuck with a partner who doesn’t rate your favorite swallow meal. I mean you could decide to do it, but do you really want to?

2. Ask her what goes in their cereal bowl first: The cereal or the milk?

There are two types of people on this earth, those that pour the cereal before the milk and those that pour the milk before the cereal; both never see eye to eye. Imagine waking up one day and discovering that your partner is the former? You don’t need that kind of energy. You had better ask your prospective partner this before popping the question.

Prospective partner

3. Ask her if she eats semo:

If the girl you’re talking to eats semo, just throw them away because I don’t see why any human being should be eating food that was not meant to be eaten.

4. Ask if they prefer green apples to red apples:

There are some people that eat all kinds of apples and aren’t picky. It’s fine if you end up with them, but there are the ones that are super picky and eat only green apples. And I’m just like, WHAT? I mean, can’t you have some taste and like red apples? Sorry for you if your prospective partner is a green apple stan.

5. Ask about their weird food combinations:

If a girl you’re talking to tells you that they eat Indomie and beans or golden morn and groundnut, my dear, run for your dear life.

Prospective partner

6. Ask what temperature they eat their food in:

You’ll find out that some people say, the colder the food, the better it is, and some others must warm every single thing they eat and would rather starve if their cereal is going to be cold.

7. Ask about their love for pepper:

I once met a girl who could eat pepper with anything. She ate pepper with crackers and I was stunned. If they love pepper, they’ll probably love pepper more than they love you.

Prospective partner

8. Ask about their love for bread:

Because anyone that loves bread is the greatest kind of partner to have. I mean, even Oprah loves bread.

Prospective partner

9. Ask if she loves pineapple pizza:

Prospective partner

Pineapples are great, don’t get me wrong. But the truth is don’t really belong with pizza. Imagine it’s date night and your partner order or stops at the pizza place to buy Pizza, but they buy the pineapple pizza. Imo, top three things that could lead to a break up. Be sure to find out if they love pineapple pizza and if they do, create a system where you buy seperate packs of pizzas. Fini.

10. Ask how they pair their swallow combinations:

prospective partner

Simply because amala belongs to ewedu and gbegiri, the way pounded yam belongs to egusi and you belong to someone who has great taste.

11. Ask what kind of rice they love:

This is the heirachy: Jollof rice, fried rice, white rice. Every other thing can go and get their love from elsewhere.

The king of Nigerian rice.

12. Ask about their love for plantain:

The love for plantain is the beginning of wisdom.

I used the word love because no one in their right mind hates plantain. So all you need to know is what degree of love they have for plantain. You’ve chosen the right person if they can die for plantain.

These are some of the valid food questions to ask a girl. Anything about whose responsibility it is to cook (as a gender norm) is okoto meow.


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