Phones might be one of the best things to have happened in recent decades, but they came with their baggage too — from software to hardware problems. Hardware issues are easier to deal with, but when your phone develops a fault and you have no idea what is wrong, things become a little complicated. If you’ve been down this road, you will relate to this.
How your mood changes when your phone goes off and won’t come back on
What’s all this now.
You, in denial thinking the problem will fix itself
Let me just leave it alone for a few hours.
You, scouring google for what might be wrong
I can’t be the only one this thing has happened to
You, looking at all the confusing results
Can you people write in English, please?
When you find a piece of information you didn’t know about your phone
Eh ehn? But this is not what I’m looking for at the moment.
When you’ve tried everything but your phone is still not working
Why are you doing this to me?
When you realise that you have to take it to a repair centre
I didn’t sign up for this stress, abeg
And the money you will spend because you don’t have a warranty
But I paid in full for you.
When they tell you what’s wrong with your phone
All I need to know is if you can fix it
And how much it’s going to cost you
I think I should just buy a new phone
When they tell you to come back after two weeks
You mean I won’t have a phone for 14 days?
You, counting down down the days
This life is hard and I have no friends
When you go back for your phone and it’s been fixed
You, looking at what you have left in your account