So you’re in a new area and you decide to find a church and fellowship with fellow brethren. It’s always a wonderful time, but there are also other things, especially if you are a first-timer. We made a list of them.

1. When you step in and the ushers lead you to a special seat.

As per first-timer.

2. The whole church taking stylish glances at you.

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As per, who is this stranger?

3. You, struggling with the hymn.

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Because in your church, they don’t sing that type of hymn. But you don’t want to look like a JJC so you scope it.

4. How everyone looks at you when the pastor says, “If you’re worshipping with us for the first time, please come forward.”

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Yes you, they are calling you.

5. You, when service ends and they give you a first-timer’s gift.

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Small chops, Pepsi, jotter and pen. Will I not be doing first-timer every Sunday like this?

If you enjoyed this post, then you’ll love this one on The Different Types Of People You’ll Find In Church On Sunday


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.