Yes yes, we are all grown and evolved and we all have our shit together. But I am pretty sure y’all have played at least 5 of the relationship mind games on this list. Welcome to inside life:

1. Waiting for the other person to shoot the shot

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So that when you want to write your anniversary post you can proudly say, he/she chased you for 3 months before you finally decided to give their big head a chance.

2. Exchanging numbers but waiting for the other person to call first. 

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Because if you call first then it means you are desperate and Twitter relationship coaches strongly advise against that.

3. Not calling because you don’t want to be the one who is always calling.

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Because the person who calls the most is the person who likes the most and the person they will most likely take fi idiat.

4. Keeping tabs on who always reaches out first.

God forbid that you are the one who is always calling or starting conversations. How will you caption your Instagram pictures “A whole spec” in good faith if on real life you are always the one doing the calling.

5. Not replying WhatsApp messages immediately they drop.

Because you were “busy”. Besides, familiarity leads to see finish.

6. Sending “Ok” when you actually really want to send comprehensive paragraphs detailing how you feel and how much you love/like them.

Because you want to maintain your coordination. And you are strongly resisting the urge to Shalaye.

7. Saying you are not available even when you actually are.

Because you don’t want them to think your jobless. Even if you are.

8. Waiting for the other person to say I Love you first.

Because you heard that the person who said it first is the person that loves the most and the person that eventually gets taken fi idiat.

Say the truth and nothing but the truth, which of these relationship mind games have you played or are you currently playing?


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.