I know I already said this about situationships and that kind of puts it in a bad light. But a wise person once said anything that has disadvantages has advantages so today I am coming through with the advantages.

1. You are basically taking a relationship with this person for a test run.

And if you don’t like what you see, you can return it and move on with your life.

2. You can cheat and thunder will “not really” fire you.

Because you are “not really” committed to the person.

3. You can take a leave and come and pick it up from where you dropped off.

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Since everybody is just going with the flow there will be no protocols to observe.

4. You can be in 5 different sitatuionships with 5 different people.

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Literally eating your cake and having it. But if the 5 people catch you at once, it becomes risky fam.

5. Technically, they can’t dump you.

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Can you dump what you did not pick? Sense will not kill us.

6. You get knacks without accountability. 

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You literally have a license to chop and clean mouth.

You should read this too: The Complete Guide To Stalking Your Ex On Social Media.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.