You’ve just finished creating a burner account on Twitter to participate in giveaways because times are tough, but you post a picture on your main account and someone starts shouting “Spending!” or “Iya Dollar”.

Sometimes, they’ll even go as far as saying something like “Do giveaway” and it’s at that point you want to remove your shoes and stone them.

If you can relate, then you should be able to relate to these memes.

1. At this point, fighting is a practical solution

“Say it again. I dare you. Bastard.”

2. Is it funny?

No, for real. In this Buhari economy, you are calling my name and putting “dollar” beside it. Don’t you know that dollar is N500. Are you mad?

3. Go straight to the point

Because some people just like to be unfortunate.

4. Answer me!

Why would you decide to put me through such public ridicule?

5. To be forewarned is to be forearmed

Some people exist just to remind you that you don’t have money. May God judge them.

6. Abi do I really have money?

“Maybe I actually have this money and I’m the only one that isn’t seeing it. My creator, help me. This money people think I have, bring it out.”

7. Use the opportunity to break down

Such sensitive issues are not for the fainthearted. We’re in December, the year is almost ending and emotions are high.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.