While we’re all trying to survive this life, a select few have gone and found love and engagement rings. We don’t know what they’re all running from or towards, but here’s how to join the merry little band of lovesick fools.

Change your bad character

Granted, the one for you will love all of you — flaws and all. But your character is currently too bad for them to even see you. We suggest you self-reflect and figure out why you’ve not joined the real lovers of 2024.

Become a real lover

It might feel easier to form hard guy and perform mental gymnastics because you’re looking for love, but it actually isn’t. Go out, meet someone and feel all the feelings. 

However, if that doesn’t work, wake up at 2 in the morning, stand outside your house and swear for them.

Give your ex a chance

Yes, that ex you just thought about. Like a couple of old pictures on their Instagram, leave a comment or two, sub them on your story and watch them crawl back into your life. Who knows? It might be for good this time.

Let your parents set you up

Two things will happen here: you either meet the love of your life and live happily ever after with them or it ends in disaster and premium tears. You’ll never know which if you don’t give it a chance. 

Get out of your house

We know we said you can find love in the comfort of your home, but that obviously isn’t working for you. So it’s time to switch up your game. 

Attend a wedding

If you meet someone there, that’s great. But don’t forget your main focus; to catch the bouquet and pray the superstition works for you and you get married, or at least, find the love of your life next.

Take a trip to your village

Go to your village and beg all the members of the community to free you to find love before the year runs out. Desperate times and all of that.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.