Flags up at the relationship racetrack! We talk a lot about relationship red flags and green flags, but what are the girlies saying about beige flags?

You’re probably asking, “What even is a beige flag?” Well, it’s your partner’s mildly annoying or baffling habit that’s still kind of cute. They’re not deal breakers, but you need your partner to do better ASAP. 

Now that we’re clear what this flag means, here are a few these Nigerian women have noticed in their partners.


Eating Semo. I mean where is the self love here?


Being so unbothered that he doesn’t ask for details when receiving info. For example:

“Him: K and A broke up. 

Me: Why?

Him: Idk, I didn’t ask.”


Naming everything. Like giving their guitar, bicycle and car human names, and then they go, “I’m taking Amelia out for a ride” mid convo. Okay, you cute weirdo.


Snoring. It’s not a red flag, but why can’t you breathe in silent mode when you sleep?


Not dressing up. Not that he has to be in suits and ties, but just not putting any effort into his looks.


Chewing loudly with their mouth open.


Having long hair. There’s only space for one Rapunzel in this relationship.


Men who pee and don’t clean the seat. 


A man who lacks awareness of his surroundings. Like if he’s on his phone while walking and ends up falling into a gutter.


When they press toothpaste from the middle.


Wearing trad/senator for every occasion. Is it every time? Please show some diversity.


If he’s always wearing sunglasses. You’re neither a criminal nor a celebrity please remove it so you can see the road.

Which beige flags do you agree with? Do any of these qualify for your red flag criteria? Let us know your own beige flag, leave your comment here or on our X and Instagram pages!

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Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.