We all know how difficult mathematics is. In fact, left to us, they should just remove it from the syllabus!

Imagine our surprise when we saw that 14-year-old Ebbah Wyse represented Nigeria in the 2016 African Mathematics Olympiad in Pretoria and won gold!

He of course had to qualify at the national level before he went on to the inter-country stage. He led the Nigerian Olympiads with a 90% score.

Please, is it this same brain we are all carrying about, or is there something we need to add to our own?

Ebbah is a student of Greensprings Secondary School, Lagos. His schoolmate, Chidera Anakua also won the bronze medal in South Africa.

Please, join us in hailing these young geniuses! These are our own Albert Einsteins in the making.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.