891 results for "police"

June 12 Protest: Yesterday, after months of planning, Nigerians took to the streets to protest against bad governance, abuse of human rights, worsening insecurity, and other forms of maladministration and mishandling of democracy in the country. Coincidentally, this protest happened one week after the Nigerian government’s sudden and unconstitutional Twitter ban. Yesterday was also Nigeria’s […]
June 13, 2021
Travelling By Road In Nigeria
Travelling by road in Nigeria is a herculean task because of the bad roads, multiple police checkpoints and probable kidnap attempts but what’s travelling by road in Nigeria like for women? I spoke to nine Nigerian women about their experiences, here’s what they had to say:  Timinu, 24 I used to travel by road a […]
May 27, 2021
The subject of this week’s What She Said is a 50-year-old woman who dated her ex-husband for 12 years and was married to him for 14 years. She talks about leaving him after years of being manipulated, the joy that comes from being a single woman again and life as a divorced Christian woman.
May 12, 2021
Today’s subject on Abroad Life moved to Ethiopia in 2019. After almost getting stranded there due to airport restrictions, he finally came back to Nigeria during the #EndSARS protests. He talks about moving from Nigeria to Senegal in 2020, overcoming the language barrier, and witnessing protests every month. #FreeSenegal though, is the biggest he’s witnessed.  […]
March 12, 2021