914 results for "sex life"

If you date Nigerian men, here are some of the kinds you might enter into a relationship with or have already been in a relationship with. 1) Oedipus complex This kind of man only dates women who look like, talk like and act like his mother. Whenever you hang out, he brings his mother into […]
July 12, 2021
Kissing is supposed to be enjoyable — just like every other activity involved in the genital bumping experience. But life happens and you might jam someone who will deprive you of the necessary enjoyment. Or you could be the one who does the depriving. For this post, 12 Nigerians talk about their worst kissing experience. […]
June 9, 2021
First of all, let’s start by seeing that the Nigerian government banning Twitter during Pride month is possibly peak homophobia. Twitter has been a digital safe space for queer Nigerians and has provided them with a community, which is commendable considering how much the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act fractured the queer community and social life. […]
June 7, 2021