Zikoko is a digital media platform creating interesting media products and content African youths love. We lead the most engaging conversations around culture, innovation, entertainment and all the things that matter to the youths today.
If reaching new and large audiences of young African adults between the ages of 20 – 40 years is what you’re looking for, then Zikoko is here for you.
Tell timeless, original and relatable stories.
Our content team of journos, content writers and video producers will work with you to create original text, image and video based content in a fresh and authentic voice to help your brand connect meaningfully with Africa’s young and growing digital audience.
Reach a diverse and influential audience across Nigeria and globally
Type of Ads We Offer On Zikoko
We create and distribute world class content across various interests: Money, Life, Nollywood and more. Members of our audience usually come for specific content. In line with that we offer:
a) Category Ownership
Owning a category means that your brand gets banners across all the article pages in that category. This allows for more focused targeting and conversion
b) General Advertising
1. Zikoko High Impact Advertising
Our pushdown ad unit on the homepage makes for a high-impact advertising option for campaign launches, event launches and more.
2. Zikoko Standard Advertising
We offer web standards ads through a range of banners on strategic sections of our website. They include: Billboards – 970 X 250 pixels, Large Leaderboard – 780 X 250, Leaderboard with 780 X 90 and Mid-Page Units 300 X 350. We also offer tenancy and impression based advertising
3. Zikoko Email Newsletter
Zikoko’s daily newsletters go out to 120k+ subscribers by 8 am.
4. Zikoko Sponsored Content
Quizzes: Our quizzes are fun and super engaging content brands can use to gain new young audiences. Our participants all share their answers on social media inviting their friends to take the quiz too.
Branded Listicles: Text based content written by Zikoko for your brand. These lists will be published on our website upon the brand’s approval and promoted across our social platforms.
Videos: Unlike most mainstream videos made for TV or premium streaming platforms, Zikoko videos are loosely scripted and a little rough around the edges. They are produced by young Nigerians for other young Nigerians. Zikoko’s authentic voice and audacious approach to making videos make them more relatable and will bring your brand closer to millennials. Some of our existing video flagships include: Vrsus, Blind Date, Nigerians Talk.
Instagram Carousels: Photo-text image content by Zikoko for your brand. These images will be published on our Instagram page upon the brand’s approval and promoted.
Interested in business or advertising with Zikoko?