What does life look like for Gen Z Nigerians everywhere in the world? Every Friday, we ask five Gen Z Nigerian students one question in order to understand their outlook of life.
With the constant debate about the resumption of tertiary institutions in Nigeria, this week we asked five Nigerian students if they want to resume school even in the midst of all that is going on.

Here’s what they said:
Theresa (UniBen/20)
Resuming right now means sudden doom. I am not done with my mini projects and other assignments. It means constant tiredness and emotional distress because it is back to having class from 7am to 5pm. I imagine everything will be worse now because of all the time lost. I WILL BE STRESSED, and that’s not something I want.
Anita (PAU/19)
I really want to go back to school. We have online classes, but it is not the same. In school, I can be naked in my room without anyone stressing me. I will be living my best life the way I want to, without the uneasiness and stress that comes with being at home.
Eli (UniLag/21)
Resuming means I get to live on my own again. In school, I am my own boss. I choose my religion, my faith and my God. It means money that will never be enough, but will be better than not having any at all. It is running on energy drinks, caffeine while being constantly accompanied by anxiety. I get to dance with my friends by 10pm playing loud music without disturbing anyone, even though we have assignments to complete and classes in the morning. I love not answering to anyone, and not having to hide to do the things I want.
Anu (UI/18)
I do not want to go back, at least not just now. I just started a new job and moved out of my parent’s house. School means an environment with no friends, no job, and dependence on family. It means going back to classes I am barely passing and lots of drugs. School is where I find myself relapsing most.
Paul (Covenant/19)
I really want to go back to school and finish this stupid degree, but there is still a virus outside. 50,000+ cases, and pretending it is not there and opening everywhere up will not make it all go away. School is crowded and unsafe. I want to go back, but I do not want lots of people falling sick and dying.
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