The examination is a concept every student struggles with. Also, there are a lot of stressful things that could happen inside the examination hall that make a lot of students go “This is the ghetto.” Here are some of them:
1. When you can’t find any question from the “Area of Concentration” your lecturer gave you

Lecturers are scum!
2. When the topic you were so sure wouldn’t come out turns out to be a compulsory question

Do I even need to bother writing this exam?
3. When you’ve planned a perfect sitting formation with your friends and the invigilator separate the gang

You’re evil and you should know it.
4. When the invigilator stands by your table and wouldn’t leave

Let me breathe na
5. When the caffeine you’ve been running on gets out of your system and you just want to put your head on your table and sleep

Is this how these village people want to get me
6. When the exam is over and you find out that you may have interpreted a question wrongly

Oh God, why have you forsaken me?