Two things are important to the average Nigerian student; food and money. Once they work around these, most of the work is done. These are some of the most popular hacks the Nigerian student is used to.
1. Bringing foodstuff from home

Nobody has time to spend hours at the markets close to the school and still buy stuff at double the price they go for. The game is the game!
2. Finding a way around accommodation
The average Nigerian student leverages their goodwill and squat with someone or gets a room with roommates. Privacy is not a concept that works in Nigerian tertiary institutions.
3. Putting pots and hot plates to good use

Why would anyone spend so much on a plate of food that will last for a few minutes when they can spend almost the same amount of money on a pot of food that should last twice as much?
4. Cutting down on textbooks and school materials

The lecturer that threatens students who don’t buy their textbooks with an F doesn’t know what it going on. Dead people don’t study for exams or write them.
5. Attending school events because of the promise of free food

Nobody has the time to form when food is involved, even if it means sitting through hours of boring lectures.
6. Gatecrashing parties

Are you even a Nigerian student if you’ve never thought of going to a wedding party holding on your school grounds without an invitation?