School-run hostels might be one of the cheapest accommodation options available to students, but for a variety of reasons, they are wild places to live in. If you’ve lived in one of these, you will definitely relate to this post.
1. When you’re trying to book a bedspace but they’ve closed the portal after 10 minutes

You people don’t rate me.
2. When you expect to see three people in your room but you find 10 because your roommates brought their friends with them

Is this a refugee camp?
3. When you’re about to start studying and they take light

4. When the light hasn’t been restored after a day and water has run out

This is the start of an anarchy
5. You, debating within yourself if you should risk using the toilets

Will I survive the trauma of what I’m about to see?
6. When the porters start acting like they own the buildings

Look at these glorified babysitters oh.
7. When you realise what all the rules about living in the hostel mean for you

I have to be back before 10PM?
8. When you’re about to sleep and your roommate starts playing loud music

Why don’t you have sense?
9. When your roommates start an argument and you can’t decide if you should get involved or mind your business

Sha don’t kill yourselves
10. When a porter threatens to evict you because of something your roommates did

What kind of wahala is this?