As if group projects are not stressful enough, lecturers can decide to take it further and tell the class that each group will present their project. Some students take it as one of those things. However, for some students, the prospect of doing any kind of public speaking makes them question if the degree is worth it. If you’re one of these students, you should know that we’re thinking about you and this post is proof of that.
When you’re still thinking of how to deal with your group members and the lecturer says something about a class presentation
Why do you have to hear our voices before you can grade us?
The panic that hits you when your group members vote you to present on behalf of the group
Are you people normal? All of us will just fail!
And you realise that you will spend most of your time practising in the shower and in front of a mirror on the days leading to the presentation
How do all these motivational speakers do it
The horror you feel when you can’t decide on what to wear on the day of the presentation
Dear village people, is that you?
When it’s your group’s turn to present and you feel everyone’s eyes on you
Hay God!
And for a minute, you can’t remember anything you’ve memorised
err… uhm… you see.
You’ve calmed down now and you think you’re crushing it when someone in the back of the class asks you to speak louder
Who is this enemy of progress. Are you crazy?!
When you finish your presentation and you think it’s over but the lecturer tells the class to ask you questions
Finish me oh!
And the worst part is that your classmates actually ask the questions
What a betrayal!
When it’s finally over and the person who didn’t contribute anything to the project tells you that you could have done better
What is this audacity?