As a typical Nigerian student, you:
1. Hear that school has resumed for the semester

2. Check the semester timetable and see that exams are still far

3. Relax and go to do other stuff

4. Middle of semester, you notice that exams are drawing nearer and nearer

5. Anyway, you promise to start next week

Meanwhile lecture notes, term papers, reports, etc. looking at you like:

6. Next week comes and you promise to start studying the next week


7. Repeat (6) until exam week

‘s work rate >>>
8. Exam week arrives
And you photocopy notes and start trying to cram 1,000 pages in night class

Meanwhile, spirit of sleep:

9. Exam day, you in the exam hall:

Looking at the exam booklet like:

Meanwhile your friend who claimed she hadn’t studied:

10. You write with vibes and inshallah and wait for exam results

11. Anyway, after every every, you manage to pass

12. Then you promise to be a better student next semester

I don’t think you have the facilities for that, big man.