All the study tips out there are tailored to every day life and normal circumstances. Here are some study tips that should help make studying in the middle of a pandemic easier.

Sketch out all the things you plan on achieving today. It helps give a direction as to how to start studying and helps you remember what areas need to be covered. Also, do not forget to input resting and eating, because it is so easy to forget.

Morning can morph into evening before you have had time to even eat breakfast due to the fact that nobody really goes anywhere. Alarms help to remind you that time exists. You attach a little note to the alarm to remind you of what you need to do.

Have a small group of friends you will study with. You do not have to sit on a video call and chat, because who has that kind of data to be honest. Just have a group of people to be held accountable to.
Set goals

Give yourself a number of chapters or book you want to achieve that day/week and work towards it. It is better to break the goals down into small bits and pieces. Instead of writing “Finish Chapter One”, try setting your goals as the process it will take to get chapter one complete. An example is “Read for two hours so that I can finish chapter one”. If you are unable to meet up with these goals, you should reevaluate your process, and also forgive yourself. Beating yourself up about it will do nothing but stress you.
Take notes

With most of the information being consumed online, you may forget to take notes. Taking notes gives you something to revise and look back on instead of scouring the web trying to find that thing again. Especially with how unreliable network service providers and NEPA can be.
Sharing screen time

Allocate certain times for personal and school work. Close all personal related tabs and leave only the school related ones open. Splitting your screen helps prevents distractions. There are a million and one cool things on the internet. It is so easy to get caught up in any of them.
Communicate your intentions

Inform the people you live with of your tasks and plans so they do not disturb you. This will help prevent unwanted breaks in the middle of your study session, like your mother suddenly remembering that she does not know how to send a voice note.
In all of these things, remember to take care of yourself. Both your physical and mental health are very important. Take breaks when you need to, and keep in touch with people that keep you sane.
Do not forget to stay safe, wash your hands and social distance. To keep in touch with the community, you can start by following us on Twitter by clicking the little blue bird