Heads up, foodies and health enthusiasts! Today, we’re hanging out with the one and only Taymesan, media superstar and Knorr Eativist extraordinaire. Get ready for a fun chat about all things food, life, and laughter. Prepare to be inspired by Taymesan’s wit, wisdom, and practical tips for making healthy choices delicious and sustainable. Buckle up, grab your snacks, and let’s dig in!

You’ve come a long way in your career; what has kept you going?

Taymesan: I have always had big dreams and lofty ideas of what my life would be; even though I was not sure how I would achieve any of it, there’s something in me that keeps egging me on. I’m sure that something is Jesus. I am very aware that He has been with me every step of the way, and as long as He leads me, there will be so much more to achieve! Hallelujah!

As someone with a great sense of humour, if you were to create a comical dish inspired by your content, what would it be, and what playful twist would you add?

Taymesan: HMMM! What if we had Jollof bread? You know I love jollof and bread so much. What if we brought them together to form a meal? Hear me out! I know that’s a lot of carbs, but I am willing to put some Efo or vegetable sauce as a side dish. That would be a hit!

 Do you have a guilty pleasure? As a Knorr Eativist, how do you put a healthy spin on it to balance the nutritional requirements you need from time to time?

Taymesan: I eat at midnight. That’s when the hunger kicks in. I eat bread, biscuits, meat pies, shawarma, and all the carbs you can think of. Now that I am an Eativist, I pledge to add vegetables to my midnight snack. You know, as an Eativist, you have to keep it healthy. So cheers to Meat pie and broccoli at midnight! 


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.