Ice cream is comfort food for a lot of people. It’s delicious, fattening, and exactly what you need to eat insane amounts of when the grim nature of existence grabs you by the throat and won’t let go.
So someone needs to tell me why the following super disgusting flavours of ice cream even exist.
1) Avocado
Avocado in its natural form is one of the worst fruits in existence. It tastes like petroleum jelly and is nasty as hell. If you find yourself craving this shit, just have a few scoops of vaseline instead.
2) Garlic
Do you really want to be that person who oozes garlic fumes from every orifice because you’ve decided to like this abomination? If you like this, then I’ll automatically assume you also enjoy eating vomit and therefore got maximum pleasure from watching 2 Girls 1 Cup.
3) Mint
If you ever find yourself craving mint ice cream for whatever reason, do yourself a favour and squeeze a tube of refrigerated herbal toothpaste down your throat instead. It’s way cheaper.
4) Coffee
If you enjoy this flavour of ice cream, I have four words for you:
See you in hell.