If you are a 90s baby, then these products will bring back a strong wave of nostalgia for you. These were the highlights of growing up in Nigeria: pleasure and sweetness amidst all of Nigeria’s chaos. Can they make a comeback please?
1. Shibije.
This was one of the best things to happen in the early 2000s. No party pack or lunch basket was complete without it. I honestly miss it.
2. Okin biscuits.
This was the definition of pure bliss before we had Pure Bliss.
3. Goody Goody.
2000s kids can’t even relate.
4. Choco Milo
What I see in traffic these days is not the Choco Milo of yesteryears. Tell me this is not just me, please.
5. Trebor mints.
See ehn. This honestly needs to return from war. Please.
6. Big Bite.
This one was garri’s sugar lover before it went out of the scene and other lovers came in. We miss it so much.
7. Burger.
A very honest question, sef: WHERE DID ALL THE PEANUTS SNACK VANISH TO? One day, we had peanuts in Nigeria and then I grew up and there were nowhere to be found.
Coaster biscuits.
Yes, it still exists, but can they go back to putting 6 pieces in the nylon?