Eid-al-Adah or sallah in Nigeria is only a couple of weeks away and you guessed it, it’s the Muslim festival that involves buying, killing and sharing of ram.
At its core, the festival is about offering a sacrifice to Allah, so it’s important you get things right. Trust us, there’s so much more to buying a ram or cow, and this guide is proof.

Go shopping weeks in advance

If you’re a Muslim planning to celebrate sallah in Nigeria, your ram should already be chilling in your compound or garage by now. If you snooze, your bank account will bleed.
Take a trip up North

Source: Nairaland
It might stress you out, but prices of ram in the North are significantly cheaper. Money-saving tip: Carpool with friends who are also looking to buy rams at affordable prices.
Inquire about the age of the ram

Source: Naijaloaded
Sound weird? Well, according to Islamic teachings
Go with an experienced hand

Source: Naijaloaded
If ram traders aren’t smiling on regular days, imagine their mood during sallah? It’s best to go with an experienced hand who knows when you’re about to get ripped off.
Avoid animals with deformity

If the price is ridiculously cheap, chances are, something is wrong with the animal. You want to check thoroughly to be sure there are no injuries and the animal isn’t suffering in any way. A deformed animal voids your sacrifice.
Don’t shop online

Shopping online is convenient but you might be setting yourself up big time. It’s best to see what you’re buying in real time.
Don’t take a loan

if you don’t have the resources to buy a ram for sallah, don’t attempt a loan. It’s frowned upon; best to only buy what you can afford, even if it’s fish or turkey.