We all claim to be mature, but there’s still that unfiltered child in everyone that does some “immature things”, just for the fun of it. At the core of every adult is someone who misses childhood and the freedom to make unreasonable decisions. It’s not completely avoidable as these little things still seep into our everyday lives.

Try to walk on matching coloured tiles

Source: Zikoko memes

There’s no reason for this. It’s just fun.

Look in every mirror they see

Source: Zikoko memes

As long as something reflects light, it could be a window or car mirror, they’d always look at it.

Make funny faces at kids

funny face meme
Source: Zikoko memes

They could be in a suit, getting ready for a presentation and they’d see a kid and wouldn’t be able to resist making strange faces.

Act a full-length feature movie with cutlery when washing plates

Source: Zikoko memes

They’d watch John Wick and begin to recreate all the fight scenes with a turning stick. I know, we’ve all been there.

Reply messages with emojis and stickers

Source: Zikoko memes

Sometimes typing is a chore and they find it easier to reply this way. A picture tells a thousand words, doesn’t it?

Mental dance steps

dancing gif
Source: Zikoko memes

They tear it on the dance floor in their head when they hear their favorite song even if they can’t dance to save their lives in reality.

Lick the wrapper of chocolate and sweets because nothing must waste

Source: Zikoko memes

The country is so tough that this is now excusable. 

Analyse the outfits of others from the comfort of their beds

Source: Zikoko memes

They scroll through Instagram reels giving their opinions on people’s outfits, especially those of celebrities — project fame style. 


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.