Christmas is legit the best time of the year, particularly in Lagos where everybody seems to migrate back to the village for awhile, leaving a lot of breathing room and traffic free roads for everyone else.

Did I really just type that? No, I was joking; there’s never a time that Lagos is traffic free; and what with the many concerts, market trips and parties cramped into the few weeks of December, there’s little to enjoy in Lagos during Christmas except you stay at home or you’re a martyr who gets off on stress.

However, there are some things that one can do to make a Christmas in Lagos worthwhile, fulfilling and enjoyable. This is where members of the Christmas on The Streets NGO are getting it right; by including everyone in the Christmas cheer, right on the streets of Lagos. Here are some ways they’ve been doing that:

1) Volunteering

What’s more fulfilling than helping to put a smile on peoples face? Doing it during Christmas is even more fun because that’s when people have enough time to gather together and think up the best ways to impact their community.

2) Visiting Local Communities

The best way to be impactful is to visit places that need your impact; sharing a meal with the kids at Makoko Village in Lagos or visiting an orphanage and giving out donations is one way to do that.

Throwing a street party also gives a give reason for a cheer, particularly when there’s music, food and an array of nonstop entertainment and room to run around; that’s why outdoor parties are the best.

3) Helping People Improve Their Health

Health is really better than wealth, but there are people in various communities that can’t afford to go for the occasional medical checkups or buy the right medications. Which is why some people result to unorthodox means of medications, trying to maintain good health; but, putting their life at risk because of it.

Creating an avenue for free health checkups and medications can be one the best presents one can give someone in need of it.

4) Giving Out Food:

There’s love in sharing and the COTS team has been proving that since 2012 by going to the streets of Lagos and giving out food during the festive season; not a belly goes to sleep hungry during Christmas.

5) Throwing A Street Party:

…and bringing out all the decorations. When everyone has gotten clothes, food and some gifts, the next thing is? A PARTY. Everyone gets to dance their hearts out with no discrimination. Oh, and throw in a Christmas tree made by everyone from recycled paper and you’ve got yourself a lit parrrty.

COTS has been giving a lot of people in less privileged communities a reason to look forward to Christmas every year since 2012; you can join their team if you’d like to be one more reason why someone is smiling and happy this Christmas.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.