So a few days after I got paid I was feeling like a boss.
Biggest babe!And I decided that I was going to treat myself to a shopping spree.
Because I’ve got money!So I walked into a store that I had admired from afar with confidence and pride.
Swaggiest baby girl in the nation!I looked at the prices of one or two things and realised that I could really go on a spree.
YESSSS!!So I picked up about 12 items and then went to the dressing room to do my own personal fashion show.
I was looking too fabulous.Because I’m such a hottie almost all the clothes fit me really well.
I mean what did you expect.When I came out I caught 2 of the sales girl giving me a side eye.
Ahn ahn?I started to get the vibe that they felt their shop was too good for me.
Ok. Very what? Very goodI knew I was going to show them.
Because shame to bad people!So I carried my items with me and cat-walked again to the till.
Because I’m that chick!The sales girl started checking out the clothes and that’s where my problem started.
Sigh!All of a sudden I started seeing big big numbers on the till.
Eh!Apparently the first outfit I had picked was from the 70% off sales rack.