Not every time complain about how difficult chemistry or any other subject is, it’s not always rocket science.
Sometimes, comparing some scientific terms to real-life people or situations can be an easy way to answer these questions. Oya, thank us for this life hack.
This student was asked to define electro-negativity in a question that carried 5 extra marks.
And instead of simply defining the exact thing the teacher taught, the student added jara just to show how much the concept was understood.
“Yes, I’m getting this 5pts! To properly articulate what electronegativity is, I would like to draw your attention to Trey Songz a.k.a Mr Steal your gurl. You see Trey has no chill, he’s a killer, a savage. He steals other men’s girls without any remorse. Electronegativity is a concept with a lot of Trey like behaviour. It’s the ability for an atom to take another atom’s electron with Flourine being the OG Trey Songz because it has the highest electronegativity of all the elements, straight stealing them.
That’s an A+ answer Ms Chery.”
For those of you wondering who Mr Steal Your Girl is…
And with this amount of buffness (and very little singing prowess), this man goes forth snatching people’s girlfriends up and down.
Points for creativity!!! This students scored all of the 5 points with this answer.
If this student were Nigerian, the story may turn out differently though. How dare you answer a question this creatively?
Only bad Nigerian children know how Trey Songz steals girls instead of cramming every single word in their notes.
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