Meet Wang Deshun, an 80-year-old Chinese actor, model and artist whose body is showing no signs of frailness or old age. He is undoubtedly the world’s China’s oldest and hottest grandpa.

Wang Deshun created a major national buzz after he strutted his stuff on the catwalk at the 2015 Beijing International Fashion Week.

He created his own pantomime dance group at 49, and started his first gym session at the age of 50. He swims and exercises for about 3 hours daily.

The father of two, who turned 80 this year says he believes he still has a lot of potential. He plans on parachuting sometime soon.

The 80-year-old is keen on changing China’s perception of aging. According to him “nature determines your age, but you determine your state of mind”.

We also want to be sizzling hot like this in our old age, but ‘eba and egusi’ won’t let us be great .

Don’t be like us though. Here’s some inspiration for you to take your fitfam more seriously!


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