Yesterday, December 1st, was World AIDS Day and we were very excited to keep the safe sex conversation going. We even had a twitter poll on it:

But it made us think… what about safe sexting?

Everyone has their favourite sexting emoji (don’t lie!)

The eggplant (or aubergine):

Representing male genitalia.

The peach:

Representing female genitalia.

The combination for sex:

You children have spoil! 😀

The tongue out emoji:

For cunnilingus.

The pointer finger + OK sign + splashing water:

For… you know what.

The doughnut + banana combination for sex:

A ‘sweeter’ variation of the eggplant and peach.

But sadly, there is so much sexting and sexing but not enough safe sex! Until now…

Condom emoji to the rescue!!

The MTV Staying Alive Foundation has created a SafeSext keyboard featuring various condom emojis.

The SafeSext emoji keyboard is free to download on iOS and Android.

But it doesn’t end there,The Foundation also created the best safe sex PSA you have ever seen!

By featuring people dressed up as life-sized versions of your favourite sext emojis.

The video features life-sized versions of the most common sexting emoji pairs making out, such as the eggplant and peach. But this time a condom is involved.

Condoms prevent HIV, STDs and pregnancy. Which is exactly why MTV Staying Alive Foundation wants to help you to turn your emoji foreplay into a threesome.

Watch the full video here:

Now go forth! Sext, talk dirty and make your foreplay a threesome by adding a condom into the conversation with the MTV SafeSext Keyboard.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.