Remember when we were kids and we loved to watch “actor and boss” movies like Rambo, Die Hard, Rush Hour, Once Upon a Time in China, Karate Kid, 7 Lucky Kids and the rest? Then share the stories with our friends and act them out?

Those were the days.

A little kid has taking it to a whole new level.

Nine year old Alex from Mvuleni, Tanzania gave a really entertaining story of his favourite action movie: Commando.
His tale interspersed with clips of the movie makes a very funny video.

Watch it below:

This video was created by Mama Hope to break the stereotype that African children are underfed skeletal beings who need help from Western benefactors. And instead, little humans with minds of their own. And “that even continents apart, they had the same essential qualities we love: imagination, creativity, and hilarity“.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.