We always tell guys to “shoot your shot”. Set that P. Seize that bae. Slide into that DM. History has made men the initiators of love and relationships.

But that history is changing. Men aren’t the only ones taking a bold move. Women are coming out to stake their claim as well.

However, according to this guy, it appears we’re doing a shitty job at it.

If you’re a lady and you’re trying to shoot your shot by liking all of a guy’s pictures and tweeting at him, you’re doing it all wrong.

He just won’t plain see it.

If you want to successfully shoot your shot, you’re going to have to be VERY obvious with your signs. Just, maybe not this obvious:


If you’re going to try and shoot your shot, maybe don’t start a convo like this:

And know that liking his pictures on IG isn’t enough:


You also shouldn’t expect him to get the hint just because you RT or like his tweets.


Generally, just don’t bother trying to drop any hints. Guys don’t see them.


You have to be as clear as day. No dropping small small hints like salt bae.

Instead, go straight to the point.

Appaz, “Hey, big head”, is also a good way to go.

But wouldn’t life be easier if guys could just take a damn hint already!

Seriously guys, you might want to pay more attention to the people liking your tweets.

Don’t come and be a slacking pant like this one:

The truth is, when a girl likes a guy, she just tries to respect herself. Just see:



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.