Hot babes, here’s the 411. The sun might be hot AF right now, but you’ll forever be hotter. As the hot babe you are, it’s of the utmost importance that you not only attend HERtitude but also have that HERtitude.

We know you already have it, but here’s how you can identify that HERtitude in yourself and other hot babes.

You’re a hot babe

In the book of Hotties 20:4, it was written, “All hot babes have that HERtitude”. We would say we don’t make the rules, but we actually do.

You love yourself 

For you to walk, talk and act like the hot babe you are, you have to first love yourself. We’ll admit, it might be a bit difficult on some days, but as long as you try then you definitely have that HERtitude.

You love the girlies

To have that HERtitude, you need to show genuine love and care to your fellow hot babes. Technically, you need to show love and care to everyone, but we’ll allow a little bias.


You support women’s rights and wrongs

Sometimes, women move madder than PHCN and their new 300% tariff increase, but that doesn’t matter. If a man can fly from a thousand galaxies to support the rights and wrongs of another man whose first name he doesn’t even know, you can do the same.

Disclaimer: If the wrong is a crime, all bets are off, and you have the right to call her out on her bullshit. If it’s something like a little cheating, then please feel free to support your girl.

You understand that the sun might be hot, but you’re hotter

Regardless of the weather, you’re a hot babe. Even if the sun decides to take a break and let the cool breeze do its thing, nothing can quench your fire.

You’ll be at HERtitude ‘24

Here’s a little hot babe hack for you: If you feel like you aren’t hot enough or you don’t have that HERtitude, look into a mirror, shout I’m a hot babe three times, pick up your phone and buy your HERtitude ticket. If you don’t feel like a hot babe after April 20, lock us up and throw away the keys.

You have more than two girlfriends 

To truly be a hot babe and have that HERtitude, you must surround yourself with hot babes. We make the rules. We know what we’re talking about.

You leave situations that no longer serve you

As a hot babe, it’s important to avoid see-finish or anything that might even look like it. 

You always have fun

It doesn’t matter if you’re in the middle of Third Mainland Bridge in standstill traffic. You always try to have the time of your life.

You make space for other hot babes

Whether it’s on the bus, at the supermarket, or at work, as a hot babe, your job is to make sure you help other hot babes get seen same as you.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.