Sex is great and all, but sometimes it comes with some awkwardness that makes you ask yourself why you are indulging in such. Here’s a list of weird things that happen to women during sex.
1. Period starting during the sex
One minute you are enjoying yourself, another minute you are hearing, “Babe, is this blood?”

2. Queefs
Aka pussy farts. They are totally normal but they still make me shy.

3. Actual farts
I just pray God will not allow bad things to happen to you.

4. Sex toys dying
This can be so annoying especially when you thought it was charged and you were aiming for the kill.

5. Penis/fingers slipping out of your vagina
And it fucking hurts.

6. Someone biting your clit or nipple
There is sexy nibbling and then there is biting and it’s a very thin line.

7. Moaning the wrong name
This is why you should only moan pet names. If you catch yourself early, you can say it’s your new nickname for them. This can only work if they don’t know who’s name you are calling. If not, OYO — on your own.

8. Crying while cumming about the state of your life
This is not “OMG, this is so good I’m crying” tears. More like “Now that I have cum, what now?” tears

9. Getting dry randomly even though you like the sex
This one happens to the best of us. Sometimes you can even get wet when you are not enjoying what’s happening. It’s called arousal non-concordance.

10. Your partner calling