Kayan Mata is a blanket name from northern Nigeria that refers to herbs, potions, sweeteners, lubricants that enhance the sex experience. Essentially, Kayan Mata are natural aphrodisiacs.
In this article, four Nigerian women talk about their experience using Kayan Mata.

Peju, 27
I used Gorun Tula. It’s a fruit that you boil and suck. The juice tastes like sugar cane but it’s slimy. It has several benefits including stabilizing hormonal imbalance and preventing premenstrual symptoms. I took it because antidepressants were making my vagina dry. It helped me get wet. Along with the fruit, I bought a liquid mix from the same vendor because she said it would increase my libido. This one was made up of the syrup from Gorun Tula, dates, honey and coconut. It made me horny as fuck.
I took both of them like drugs for about three days. I was wet nonstop, dripping juice on my clothes. Sex was great. I tried new positions and had sex for a longer time than usual. The woman I bought it from said it helps women with getting pregnant and I believe. LMAO
Susan, 25
The first person I had sex with did a poor job because I didn’t realise how important foreplay was until much later. Most men just kiss for a few seconds and whip out their penises. In 2017, I was seeing a man with a huge penis. Every time we had sex, I left sore. Even on days, we used a lot of lube. So I decided to try out Kayan Mata, especially as I was always seeing ads on the internet.
I told the vendor I wanted something to make me extremely horny, wet and relaxed. She sent me a powdered substance to mix with honey alongside some imported pills. I didn’t use the pills because I was too scared but the powder stuff didn’t work.
When I told her afterwards, she told me to increase the quantity, but nothing changed. She was determined to find something that works for me so she sent me a dark liquid called “Mannemata”. She said it was one of her most powerful boosters. It still didn’t work but I lied to her that it did.
I accepted my fate that Kayan Mata does not work for me until I discovered all I ever needed was intense foreplay.
Tiff, 26
Last year, I bought Goron Tula syrup, just to try it. The effects started almost immediately. It was so wet — it turned me into a fountain. It made sex 1000 times better. It also increased my libido. Thinking about it now is giving me flashbacks. I would recommend it plus it tastes great too.
Fave, 22
Because of the controversy attached to Kayan Mata, I was sceptical about trying it until sometime in 2018. I was curious so I read up on it and discovered that it is not jazz as they say. Although people are now taking advantage of it, it’s as bad as they make it seem.
In the north, it is used to aid fertility and boost one’s sexual health. There are also different forms — powder, syrup, fruits, etc. I got a product that was like sweet from an online vendor. It tasted and felt great. One thing that stood out for me was that pleasure is not exactly for the man but for me, who is using it. I also tried a powder that you can mix with milk or honey or yoghurt. That felt great as well. The vendor advised me to take it like supplements so it can stay in my body and work better.
The idea that people have women use it to get money from men is not exactly true and I would like more women to know that. I love how it helps you bond better with your partner. I am still looking to sample others but I am trying to be careful so I don’t use something with adverse effects. I also want to invest in the business, like setting up my store and help women get better sexual experiences.
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