Hold your Nigerian woman tight, because Titi Kuti is out there capturing hearts with his role as Ade Tiger in King Of Boys 2. The TV series was released over the weekend and according to some women, the hype is worth it for these 5 reasons.
1. His loyalty
There are no loyal Yoruba men, yen yen yen. Ade Tiger doesn’t have two heads oh. You heard him: “Till I die, Oba.” Can your man ever?

2. His fine face
What’s not to love? Man’s hot. When last did you come across such a well structured work of art? You can bet your left butt that some women are already “investigating” whether Ade Tiger is single, married or snatchable.

3. His hair
Forget men with bald, coconut head. What will you clutch when you start reciting the “Yes Daddy” anthem? Men, if you are reading this, start growing a luxurious, neat, sexy head of hair before your Nigerian woman leaves you.

4. His voice
Every time he says, “Oba….” all some women can imagine is their name in his mouth. Hay God. Shivers.

5. His skin tone
If light complexioned men are not your spec, sorry oh. Ade Tiger is a yellow paw-paw, and there are Nigerian women that love to see it.

6. He gets things done
Men like Ade will not abandon you to figure stuff out on your own. You can trust him to take action and find solutions. God when?