Nigerian Women should get away with everything simply because they’re women. However, it’s now International Women’s Month, so they should get away with even more things. 

We’ve compiled a list of things women should be forgiven for doing in the month of March. 

Not ironing their clothes 

Why do you want women to keep doing physical labour? They’re already underpaid and overworked. If they say they’re not ironing their clothes this month, free them!

Biting their partners 

Being a woman is hard work. Let them take sustenance from you. 

Having a breakdown 

Sometimes, the things you plan in your head don’t work out in real life. While other people might think of something else when this happens, women tend to break down. This International Women’s Month, there’s a lot of extra pressure on women. So if they break down, let them.

Collecting their partner’s food 

If she asks you for your food, give her. You can’t tell a woman no during International Women’s Month. That’s sexist. 

Carrying tiny bags 

Women are already carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. Why do you want them to carry even more stuff?

RELATED: 6 Things That Can Fit Into Women’s Mini Bags

Eating like armed robbers

Food makes women happy. Women should always be happy. Even if it means waking up at 3 a.m. to turn semo. If it sparks joy, let them cook! 

Arriving late to everything 

They have to look their best, and that means spending extra time prepping. Our motto this month is, “The women were not late; the event was just early”. 

READ ALSO: My Husband Woke Up One Day and Decided to Join Politics


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