A lot of people want big breasts until they realize it comes with its own set of challenges. Here’s eight things women with big breasts hate hearing: 

1. Slut shaming. 

Whenever women with big breasts wear clothes that show cleavage, everybody becomes a morality police. It’s tiring.  

2. “Your husband will enjoy o”

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Women’s bodies do not exist for the entertainment and pleasure of men. Selah. 

3. Random sexual comments.

From men of course. Either that or they keep looking at my breasts instead of at my face during conversations. My face is up dear, look up. 

4. “There’s a place for all this”

How so, dear? Next time I’ll leave it at home. Why do people assume that women with big breasts have a hidden agenda?

5. ‘’Don’t you know you are very busty?” 

No, dear, I don’t. People usually follow this question with “That top won’t fit you’’ or ‘’that dress won’t fit you” while suggesting an ill fitting, uglier option instead. Fix it, Jesus. 

6. “Can you dash me some of your breast? I wish I had boobs too.”

Do you also want back pain, suffocating while lying on your back and not finding your perfect cup size? No? Thought so. 

7. ‘’Sorry ma, we don’t have your size’’

Is it our fault that God gave us big breasts? It’s as if lingerie companies only make fine bras for small breasted women. 

8. ‘’Your breast is not even that big’’

Oya now, it’s breast olympics time. Come and take it off my chest since it’s not that big. 


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