Boys always want to see what’s in a girl’s handbag. Honestly, I could never understand the fascination since studies have shown that the handbag is dirtier that the toilet, but to each their own.

Compared to the glossy “What’s in Your Bag” columns that most women’s magazines love to stuff on an idle back page, most handbag’s innards make the owners look insane, like a hoarder’s house.

No cellphone on this list. Because they live in our hands now. What’s really in our bags?

1. Make Up

It’s usually in a make up purse inside the big purse. Like a purse-ception. (LOL, I’m so sorry). Because you never know where you’d meet your crush or your future husband. And when you do, your transformation weapons have to be on hand. Most importantly, lipstick in a color that instantly makes you feel a hundred times more powerful with a single swipe.

2. Hand Sanitizer

Hand Sanitizer

Sometimes you shake someone new, sometimes you sneeze into your own hands. For these and so many other reasons, hand sanitizer is a must.

3. Hair tie/bands

In case you need to throw up your hair and get to work.

4. Condoms

Because you never know where or when.

5. Two pads or Tampons

One for you, one for another woman in need.

6. Painkillers

Usually related to the tampons above or to a raging headache from work, in case you can’t get home or to the pharmacy in time.

7. Hair comb/Brush

This usually has hair in it because it’s constantly in use. If you’re a woman reading this, TAKE THE HAIR OUT!

8. Tissue…or handkerchief

Because no one – including men – likes being sweaty.

9. Old receipts and ticket stubs

A scrap of paper from an that really stuck with you, or you forgot to throw away. Most women are unaware of tattered and torn receipts in their bag.

10. Perfume

They said woman should always have a lingering scent.

11. Phone charger

And maybe a power bank if you’re busy all day and not near an outlet.

12. Creams/Moisturizers/Lotions

To prevent skin dryness? *dis tew much*

13. Food

Candy and chewing gum are popped to kill boredom and shared with others. Mints to prevent bad breath. And snacks, because hungry is not a good look.

14. Keys

Like a million keys are in your bag, so you can never find the one you actually need.

16. Sunglasses and Tangled ear buds

Obviously for listening to music in the sun. Don’t ask why. It’s just cool.

16. USB Flash Drive

Whether it is to take the latest movie your friend downloaded, or to transfer documents easily during work, you must have a USB flash drive with you.

These and some others are the reason a woman’s bag is so heavy. Did we miss some?


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.