Goodbye to getting any work done over the weekends and getting up to 5 hours sleep every night, because Netflix Naija is coming to a screen near you!
We’re already prepping office wi-fis to download all the shows, but before even get to see what Neflix Naija has to offer, here are a number of shows that must make an appearance in their bouquet so we know they mean business:
The KKB Show.
We never got to know what happens to the KKB gang at the end of the show, somebody tell Netflix Naija to fix this up.
Family Circle.
We need to see Norbert Young be the ultimate TV dad in serial episodes, STAT Netflix Naija!
Everyday People.
This show, mostly because we just can’t remember what happened in it at this point.
Tales By Moonlight.
Pretty please, Netflix Naija!
Fuji House of Commotion.
We can’t remember the fourth wife’s name anymore Netflix Naija!
We want to see a Young Bob Manuel as the suave Richie Haastrope again!
Super Story.
I’m ready to cry in the office toilet while watching Suara get his ass beat by his daughter again, Netflix Naija.
Papa Ajasco (the old one).
Who’s ready to watch Pa James pretend to be a Christmas goat again? Everybody, that’s the answer Netflix Naija.
Flatmates (Again, the old one).
Extended Family.
Netflix Naija, get on this ASAP!
What shows would you like to see on Netflix Naija?