Since the whole point of Gulder Ultimate Search is to find things, we have ten things we need them to find for us immediately.
1) The snake swallowing millions
Once upon a time, it was reported that a snake swallowed 36 million Nigerian naira. Since the people at Ultimate search are good at finding things, they should help us find the snake. Maybe it will be able to answer a few questions for us.

2) Fashola’s CCTV camera
Since the time Inspector Fashola found the CCTV camera at Lekki toll gate, we have no idea what is inside. If Gulder Ultimte search can help us find it, that will be great.

3) Ambode’s waist trainer
With the way Ambode was looking so snatched in all this official photos, we will like that waist trainer. So that when we can become influencers and start selling flat tummy tea.

4) Key to central bank
Times are hard and people are hungry. Since there is money in Central Bank, they can help us find the key so that we can share money for everyone. Let us too blow National budget like trumpet.

5) Destiny
Imgine if Gulder Ultimte search promised to help you find your destiny, or find the person using it to collect money? They should better add it to the list of things to be found.

6) Visa out of Nigeria
Times are tough and visa processes are getting tougher. Gulder Ultimate Search should help us search find visa out of NIgeria.

7) Reason to live
With the way Nigeria is flogging everyone with one new policy or the other, we as a nation might need extra help with trying to find a reason to live.

8) Rich friends
Some people are making millions because their friends are rich. Since those kind of people don’t want to be found normally, then they shall be found through Gulder Ultimate Search. Everyone will like to sit in their house and be making money moves.

9) The future leaders of tomorrow
With the way they’re always looking for the future leaders of tomorrow, or the people that will change this country, it’s like it is necessary to get the help of Gulder Ultimate Search.

10) The change they promised Nigerians
I am looking for it, you are looking or it. Since we can’t find it, let us ask the professionals to help us

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