Ever gotten bored of texting on WhatsApp? Itching to continue the conversation but stopped because you’d said all there was to say? If your answer is yes, this article is here to help. When the conversation goes stale, bring it back to life with one or all of these WhatsApp games.

Name That Tune

Love Afrobeats or music in general? This game should be on your radar. Text random lyrics to your friend, and whoever names the song wins the round.
Name game

This game is great if you and your friend want to pass the time. To play, choose a category like movies, music, fashion, or anything you enjoy. The first player says a word in the chosen category, and the second player then says a word or name that begins with the last letter of the first player’s word.
Movie lines

This game is the movie version of “Name That Tune”. Drop random lines or quotes from movies you’ve watched, and whoever guesses the character right wins the round. Movies like Game of Thrones and House of Cards have many iconic lines.
Tic Tac Toe

Also known as X and O, this game lets you and your opponent battle it out to complete a row, column, or diagonal with either three Os or Xs. You can play this game on WhatsApp using emojis.
Word Unscramble

This is another fun WhatsApp game for writer friends or friends who always have a new word. Pick a word, and take turns forming as many words as possible using only the letters from the original word.
Build a Story

If you’ve got writer friends, this is one game you should try on WhatsApp. Drop a writing prompt, and take turns building the story until it makes sense.
Sticker translation

There’s no better way to test your knowledge of WhatsApp stickers. The rules are simple: send a sticker or a string of them, and your friend has to interpret your hidden message.
Complete the Sentence

Send your friends incomplete sentences and let them reply with the missing sections. They can also send incomplete sentences for you to complete. It’s a fun way to read each other’s minds.

To play, pick a category you’re both familiar with. It could be Afrobeats, Nollywood, Nigerian current affairs, fashion, or anything else. Then, ask random questions from the chosen category. Each correct answer earns a point.
Kiss, Marry, Kill

To play this WhatsApp game, select three people—they can be mutual friends or celebrities. After the selection, your friend has to choose which one to kiss, which one to marry, and which one to kill.
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