Studying in Unilorin is a rollercoaster. Everybody thinks you have it all good and easy. And yes, you might have some things easy, but the frustration nko? E plenty.
Here are some of the ways University of Ilorin will seriously frustrate your life.
1. Transportation.

Too little buses for too many students. That’s one simple way to describe this frustration. But see ehn, YOU WILL QUEUE. YOU WILL QUEUE OHHH. And when that queueing doesn’t work, you will trek too.
2. Dress code.

It would have been better if they stuck to their list, but Unilorin? NO. Imagine being stopped by dress code for having waist length braids. Or for wearing sunglasses they consider too large.
3. Hostel allocation.

If you are going to Unilorin and you expect to get a hostel, my dear, you better start summoning whatever gods you believe in. You know why? Something must surely happen that will make sure you don’t get that hostel even if you qualify for it. Imagine what happens if that hostel is the only source of accommodation you depend on.
4. Light issues.

Again, living on campus is not as palatable as you think it is. You know why? Light and water palaver. Expect BC messages from the Student Union Government though. They will tell you they are trying their very best. SUG Cares.
5. Timetable.

Honestly, the timetable is usually fair. Until you resume a new session and realise that 100 level Education students plus 100 level Agric students have 8am courses on the same day and time with you, a 300 level Accounting student. Pele my dear. Prepare to fight for bus like your life depends on it. Prepare to trek into campus.
6. ID Card wahala.

Your ID card is supposed to be for identification. But in Unilorin, it can also be for frustration. Security guards will stop you at the gate and will not hear anything if you forget to wear it. You can be heading to your faculty and you’ll hear that dress code officials are stopping people at the Motion Ground. New day, new wahala.
7. COMSIT wahala.

Whatever you do in Unilorin, pray to never have any issues with COMSIT. Just go down on your knees and pray it now. There’s a reason for that prayer.
8. CBT tests and exams.

CBT in Unilorin is a tug of war. Prepare to stay under the sun. Prepare to fight people for your space in the queue. You know what’s worse? When you’re halfway into the exam and your computer trips off, so they have to restart it for you with a different set of questions. God abeg.
9. Lecturers who want you to write exactly what is in their head.

Oh you think Unilorin does not have them? Them dey everywhere oh. Just pray you don’t take their course. Otherwise, you will keep swimming in a river of carryovers until you figure out the hang to answering their questions.
10. Level advisers that won’t actually advise you.

May you not land in the hands of this kind of level adviser sha. Otherwise, you are on your own.
11. Project supervisor that is not always on seat.

Hmm. Your mates will be in Chapter 3, you will still be waiting for approval on Chapter 1. Last last, you will be asked to submit Chapters 1-4, and then that’s where another wahala will come in, because where will they have time to review it?
12. The sun.

I know this is not Unilorin’s doing, but please. Let us blame them small. That sun in Unilorin can suck moisture from your life.

Please be kind to any Unilorin student you meet. They are going through a lot.