There are many signs of a stubborn girlfriend. But sometimes, ladies can disguise their stubbornness in a way that will make you completely unaware of this. In other words, a babe can call you “Big Head” until you enter the relationship and she actually shows you who has the bigger head.
Or she might not even need to disguise. She can be her stubborn self and because stubbornness turns you on, you will chase her and enter a relationship with her.
In any case, here are 13 signs of a stubborn girlfriend.
1. She has natural hair.

If you think we are lying, conduct a survey of naturalistas. Come back to report your findings to us.
Special Mention: Babes on lowcut. They are also on the list. Them dey try small.
2. She was born in March, June, July, August, and September.

Quick, think of all the stubborn girls you have dated in the past. What months were they born in? Oh, you see the connection now?
Special Mention: Girls born in February. Their own stubborness is incomplete, but their head dey spark sometimes.
3. She has no front hair.

Stubbornness is what removed all her front hair. Don’t do Ghana weaving, don’t do box braids, she said no. It’s not only in relationships that she shows her stubbornness, she carried it into her hair choices too.
4. She is the last born.

These ones are born with the stubbornness. It is their natural talent.
5. She has at least one brother.

That’s how she sharpens her stubbornness. Practice makes perfect, you know. That way, when you enter her life, she can display all the things she has practiced on you.
6. Her forehead is big.

Take a quick guess: what do you think is in there? One answer: STUBBORNNESS.
7. She is below 5’6″

We hate to say this, but the stubbornness is what is pressing her down. Let her stop being stubborn for a while and see how tall she will be.
8. Her shoe size is between 36 – 40.

Even you, you know we are not lying.
9. She wears glasses.

At least 80% of them. The source of our statistics? Guinness Book Of World Records, Enugu Edition.
10. She doesn’t wear make-up.

Yes, we said it. Do you have a problem with that? Show up in our office with your counter claim.
11. She wears make-up.

Again, we said it. If you have a problem with that, show up in our office with a face full of make-up and we will show you just how stubborn you are, coming to challenge something we said, instead of just accepting it.
12. She attends Unilag, Covenant University, Babcock, and OAU.

The centre of educated agberos and stubborn babes. Those schools are their headquarters.
13. She has at least 3 female bestfriends.

These are her advisers, the fertilisers for her stubbornness. If you dig deeper, you will find that they have a WhatsApp group.