Apart from speaking your native Igbo language, what better way is there to show that you’re a true son and daughter of the soil if not by spicing it up with profound proverbs?
We’ve seen the beauty of this play out in Chinua Achebe’s iconic literary works and when Pete Edochie breathes life into his onscreen characters. While these guys are pros and getting to their level of mastery might take a while, we’ve compiled a list of some Igbo Nigerian proverbs and their meanings to get you started on your learning journey.
Onye fee eze, eze eruo ya aka
Translation: A man who pays respect to the great, paves way for his greatness.
Meaning: Always acknowledge those who did it before you.
Azu bu eze na mmiri
Translation: A fish is a king in water.
Meaning: Every man is a king in his lane.
Nwata nne ya kwo na azu amaghi na uzo di anya
Translation: A baby on its mother’s bag doesn’t know that the road is long.
Meaning: Ignorance is bliss.
Igwe bu ike
Translation: Multitude is strength.
Meaning: There’s power in community.
Ewu nwa ogbenye bu chi ya
Translation: A poor man’s goat is his cow.
Meaning: Contentment is key. Cherish what you have.
Uto ka mma n’ote aka
Translation: Friendship is most pleasant from a distance.
Meaning: Avoid see-finish in your friendships.
Ogbughi ka akilu na adan onu ka o si ato
Translation: The sound of the bite of bitter kola doesn’t correspond with its taste.
Meaning: All that glitters isn’t gold.
Agadi nwaanyi a naghi aka nka na egwu o mara aba
Translation: An old woman cannot forget the dance step she knows how to dance.
Meaning: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
Aka ekpe kwo aka nri, aka nri akwo aka ekpe
Translation: If the left hand washes the right hand, the right hand washes the left hand.
Meaning: Scratch my back, and I’ll do the same.
Aku na-esi obi ike
Translation: A heavy purse makes the heart light.
Meaning: With money comes confidence.
Otu osisi adighi eme oke ohia
Translation: A tree does not make a forest.
Meaning: No one is an island. Speak out when you need help.
Anaghi aso mgbagbu hapu iga osu
Translation: The fear of death cannot prevent people from going to war.
Meaning: Death is inevitable. Live and enjoy your life regardless.
Choo ewu ojii ka chi di
Translation: The search for a black goat should start before nightfall.
Meaning: Best to take advantage of a situation when it’s favourable to you.
Ndidi nwe mmeri
Translation: Patience has victory.
Meaning: The good things of life come to those who wait.
Nwata kwocha aka ya osoro ogaranya rie ihe
Translation: A child who washs his hands could eat with kings.
Meaning: You’ll go far in life if you pay respect to whom it’s due.
If you loved these Igbo proverbs and their meanings, you should read this: 70 Pidgin Proverbs and Their Meanings