Here’s a fact: Except you did something utterly foolish, you probably still have some room in your ex’s heart. Why do you think people are insecure about their partners staying friends with their exes. The thing is, they once loved you, so the probability that they’ll love you again if they get the chance is far from zero.
If you want your ex back, or you’re bored or you’re just an aspiring Yoruba demon, randomly send your ex these memes without any context. They’ll be conflicted, and you’ll never leave their minds.
P.S. If they block you, please don’t come and look for us.
1. Be a whore.

2. High risk, high reward.

3. Straight to the point.

4. Does your ex like poetry?

5. Does your ex like one-liner jokes?

6. Once again, babies.

7. Send this on the eve of their wedding to throw them off balance.

8. Send this one when you haven’t spoken in a long time.

9. Send this one by 1 a.m.

10. The “Ouch” has good effect.

11. This one works 100% of the time.

12. This one works when you know their love language is physical touch.

13. Simple, short, effective.

14. Foreshadow.

15. Ask the right questions.

QUIZ: How Will Your Current Relationship End?