As a Nigerian twenty-something, I must confess that being an adult is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I’m sure you feel the same too. No one knows our struggle. So let’s tell them:
1. When you decide to move out of your parent’s house and you realize how expensive rent is.
Please don’t let me go. One more year, please.2. When you cannot find an affordable place to rent that’s not a shithole.
God, what is this place?!3. When you try to convince potential employers that you’re qualified for a job.
Because your degree isn’t even enough.4. When you get the job and realize that school did NOT prepare you for this.
What is this?5. When your boss actually expects you to work from 9 to 5.
No, it’s not a joke.6. When you could no longer fake a sick day for being tired, like you used to in school.
So you start waiting for the public holidays…7. When you realize that PHCN, internet and water bills are not part of the rent.
Wait, what? WHAT?!8. Then this is you everytime you have to pay the bills.
Is it me that spent all this? How much light and water did I use?9. When you can no longer rely on someone else to cook for you – or do the dishes.
Growing up is a scam. I wasn’t ready.10. When you’ve spent all of your salary but it’s just the first week of the month.
*cries in poverty*11. When you check your bank balance after one week of avoiding it.
Oh god!