It’s all fun and liberated hoeing until you catch a background infection with no cure or you fall pregnant with a bank account still on life support. Fun fact; according to WHO 1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every single day worldwide. This means every time you have unprotected sex you are basically auditioning to join the statistics of people who just got infected. Ok, now that your attention has been successfully acquired here’s your way out;
1. Protection.

Protect yourself, protect yourself, protect yourself. With sexually active people there are two teams. People in team A who practice safe sex and always use protection. In return they get to live a life free of any form of STI’s and their attendant discomforts like itching, abdominal pain, holes in their pockets from STI treatments and all of that. And then there are the people in Team B. They hold on to silly philosophies like “you can’t eat a banana with the back on” while auditioning for “Mr Raw” status. You know it almost always ends in tears for them.
2. Routine STD tests.

Just like your genotype and blood group, you need to be aware and up to date on your STI status. Especially because some of them can be asymptomatic, but as always the earlier you start treatment the better for you.
3. Birth Control.

Except of course you are ready to start contributing to the next generation. And PS? Pulling out is not birth control. The adult and reliable thing to do is to talk to your doctor about the best birth control options suitable for you. A bag full of Postinor is also not birth control dear. Postinor is the back up plan, not the plan.
PS: You can get an STI from oral sex so free advice? Before you go down on them, be sure you won’t be coming back with a nasty souvenir.
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