Guys, 1995 babies are turning 27 this year oh. Like 90’s babies are actually only a few years from joining 30+ geng. Meanwhile, as you slowly work your way to 30+, what are the things you need to focus on enjoying right now? six senior millennials and boomers reflect on things they wish they’d done before 30. 

I wish I….

1. Saw more of Africa before 30

Daniel, 43

Right now I live in Rwanda. I moved in 2019 and started an agricultural business that exports dried chilli to China. If I could go back to my 20s, I would have explored more business opportunities in Africa with my peers and dated a variety of African women. Don’t be fixated on leaving the country to the UK or the US. If you can, take the dollars you’re saving up to japa and explore your continent. Explore the experience of different cultures of other  people who share your skin color. 20s is the time to be a nomad across this continent.

2. Never chased a five year plan

Sarah, 37

As the last born, my siblings just wanted me to leave this country for Canada. I’m grateful for it, but I can’t shake the feeling of what would have happened if I kept playing sports or followed my passion to become an actress in Nigeria. I was stuck on a five year plan that didn’t make me any happier in my 30s. So I’d suggest dumping that mindset and being honest about the careless dreams you want to live out. You owe it to yourself to embrace the mistakes in your 20s.

3. Enjoyed being alone

Paula, 35

I love my husband and kids, but sometimes I just want to wake up alone in Mexico and live a different life. It’s cliché until you have a husband and kids, but enjoy being alone. Then every decision about your life after that requires a board meeting. Those stories of never peeing alone again when you have kids are so true, so bask in the freedom.

4. Let go of friendships sooner

Nkechi, 52

I still miss my friends from school, but I had to let go and allow growth. After UNIBEN in 1990, we all moved back home, and phones weren’t common in the 90’s. We tried to stay in touch by driving to each other’s towns as much as we could, but life happened. So I’d say, it’s normal to stop being on the same track with your friends after University. And your  circle only gets smaller along the way. Maybe don’t force friendships that have run their course.

5. Never waited to start my professional exams

Victor, 36

Just do everything early. I should have taken my professional exams right after school because it’s tougher to just wing it in the corporate world. I wanted to focus on chasing the bag in my 20s. Later on sha, to gain respect, I circled back to everything I procrastinated back then. Now I’m struggling with the balance of working and reading for exams. Don’t do it.

6. Stopped asking questions about life

Ben, 45

Focus on slowing down and really owning your story without the anxiety of what comes next. I’m 45 now and I still don’t know exactly what I’m doing. So why was I trying to kill myself at 25? After my NYSC in Kaduna, I had so many questions about the next phase of my life. I kept questioning myself and moving to different cities, just searching for answers about what next. At the time, I was convinced I was alone and unfulfilled at 25. 


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.